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Undergraduate Researcher


 I am a first year Human Development major. I’m from Los Angeles, California more specifically the South Central area. What I plan to do after I graduate from UC Davis is to become a Physician Assistant with hopes of specializing in Obstetrics or Pediatrics and possibly open a free health clinic which prioritizes care for pregnant women and/or mothers from underserved communities. I love, love, LOVE Kehlani, painting, and watching sunsets on the beach.


Since I was a little girl, my parents made it their priority to inform me about the injustices that occur in this world and that I shouldn’t be surprised if or when I am faced with them. Since then, I have grown a profound interest in social injustice and reform in all aspects whether it is education, health, professions/work force, and, etc. I am interested in this lab because it surrounds my passions. I am able to use my own voice to not only advocate for past, present, and future generations, who have fallen victim to social injustices especially those regarding health care but to also come up with potential solutions that can be used against these issues.

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