Tripp Biology Education Research Lab
Principal Investigator
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Tripp, B., Cozens, S., Hyrcyk, C., Tanner, K. D., Schinske, J. N. (2024). Content Coverage as a Persistent Exclusionary Practice: Investigating Perspectives of Health Professionals on the Influence of Undergraduate Coursework. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 23(1).
Musgrove, M. M. C., Genné-Bacon, E., Gray, K., Heim, A. B., Karippadath, A., Magalhães, R. M., ... Tripp, B., & Zelaya, A. J. (2022). Professional Development for Early Career DBER Scholars through In-Person and Virtual Career Panel Workshops. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 23(1), e00190-21.
Segura-Totten, M., Dewsbury, B., ... Tripp, B., & Raut, S. (2021). Chronicling the journey of the Society for the Advancement in Biology Education Research (SABER) in its effort to become antiracist: from acknowledgement to action. In Frontiers in Education (p. 479). Frontiers.
Tripp, B., & Shortlidge, E. E. (2020). From Theory to Practice: Gathering Evidence for the Validity of Data Collected with the Interdisciplinary Science Rubric (IDSR). CBE—Life Sciences Education, 19(3), ar33.
Tripp, B., Voronoff, S. A., & Shortlidge, E. E. (2020). Crossing Boundaries: Steps Toward Measuring Undergraduates’ Interdisciplinary Science Understanding. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 19(1), ar8.
Tripp, B., & Shortlidge, E. E. (2019). A framework to guide undergraduate education in interdisciplinary science. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 18(2), es3.